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어부바지 Thai Fisherman Pants 만들기 2

Thai Fisherman Pants - Part Deux

OK - to be honest, I wasn't really pleased with that last pattern.  It had some problems with how it hung, and the width of the legs.  Granted there was the foul-up of the width of the fabric, that pattern has to be cut on 60" width (foldover) or on 45" or 36" widths, one length per total width of fabric.

So I downloaded ($2.50) the burdastyle.com pattern (click here) and it has a ton more style....
but some guy (it certainly wasn't a gal - no offense meant), must have put this together, cause it was really hard to work through how to get these together....so I did up some more detail instructions, here. 

The first thing is to remember to cut out the pieces correctly!  No smart remarks, thankyouverymuch, I do know how to cut out, but it's hard when the pieces aren't marked...so here they are to make it simpler. (click the picture below to enlarge).
OK - now that you know what the pattern pieces look like, you can put them together better.  Here's what I did (at least this is the correct method, doesn't count the other methods, which I'm sure would result in much more creative look!!!)
OK - here's the part that gets tricky - you must cut all pieces on the same right side of the fabric.  IOW, you would normally cut the curve piece & crotch piece one side up and one side down.  In this pattern, you cut them both side up.  Why - well, look at the assembly....the front and back are exactly the same with the crotch piece located on the right side (as viewed here) of the front, and when you turn the pants around in back, they are located on the left side - not the right side as you might normally put together a pattern.

Have I confused you?   Well, good now you know how I felt putting these suckers together.  Combine that with my dyslexia, and you got a real hornet's nest of a problem!

Not to labor the point, but here's the layout:
When you cut out the curved piece & crotch piece, remember to cut them both out on the same side, which means when you cut on the normal lengthwise fold (pretend this is 60" wide so this is a 30" fold), you will cut one set of curve & crotch piece on right side, then cut the other with the pattern piece side up on the right side, again.  Does that make sense?....if it doesn't email me.  And then pdf instructions should help you out with this.

OK - now that we've gotten that part out of the way - (and so as not to make this post too long), then next one, which you won't have to wait for - is about some variations!!!
